Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Civil Affairs Office & Notary

Colin is Officially Ours!!!

Yesterday morning "Bob" took us to the Civil Affairs Office & Notary building to sign all the official papers on Colin. We are thrilled to be finished with this part of our journey!!!

On Monday after we picked up Colin, we took the director, and asst directors to lunch. One of the asst directors is a lady. She took Colin from me several times trying to make him feel better and to eat. She had him for a few minutes each time and then I would walk over and take him back. The last time she tried, I looked at her and said "NO". Yesterday I kept Colin straped to me in the carrier. While at the Civil Affairs building she tried to take him from me, he looked at her and turned his head away. Made this Mama feel GREAT!!! Colin is doing better, yet still struggling with everything new. He still cries often, makes me sad. We realize this is good for his grieving.
Colin holds onto every and as many toys as he can at once. Fearing someone will take one from him. He's starting to smile more and even laughed once today. He has the sweetest smile! He's very tiny, yet tall. I brought size 18-24 months clothing for him. He would fit better into size 6-12 months in shorts/pants. Kati and Colin are trying to find there way. Kati tries to play with him and he's fearful she taking the toys. Weve had a couple times where he's hit and pinched not understanding she wants to play. We know everything takes time and they will work through it. Colin is eating and sleeping really well. I can lay him down in the crib around 8:00pm and he goes right to sleep, wakes up around 7:00am. He HATES getting a bath...
Tomorrow we fly to Guangzhou, last part of our journey!! We are ALL trilled to be moving onto Guangzhou knowing that after this we will be on our way HOME!!! W are all looking forward to a BIG juicy burger and HUGE Diet Coke with ice!!!

Sorry it has taken me so long to blog. Were all exhausted at the end of the day and just want to relax.
Civil Affairs Office

Notary Building
Uncle Frank with us in picture
Colin & Uncle Frank playing with stacking cups
Touring in Shijiazhuang Province
Sweet little girl we met today!!!
Kati and our guide Sharon
Thank you for all your prayers and good thoughts!!!



Unknown said...

Lori - thank you so much for sharing your days with us. I can only imagine all the emotions,, including making sure Colin knows how loved he is, everyone adjusting to your new family and dealing with raw emotions of tiredness, hunger, grieving, extreme happiness and excitement for your lives together.
I've been sharing your blog with my kids to help them understand that there are really great people in the world. They were very intrigued with the orphanage and makes me realize how sheltered of a world we live in. We cannot wait to meet Colin and hopefully we can have Kati over for a special play date when you guys get back and settled.
Our prayers are with all. Susan O'Grady

Steffie B. said...

It will be more relaxing in Guangzhou.....I loved walking around is so peaceful.

Everything will be so much better once you are home....hold on to that!


DiJo said...

Sending you a big hug.. I know you are tired.. I can relate in so many ways to what you wrote about Kati.. I will be praying specifically for her.. I lived this for a long time with S and R... In time, they will find their way together, on their terms..... Praying your trip to GZ is safe, and that the sun is shining so you can just get outside and enjoy your time!!!! Soon you will be HOME!!! ~Love Diana

Paige said...

Oh you bring back SO many memories! It is a difficult wonderful journey! Praying for your sweet family!

jennifer said...

You're getting closer! Strides will be made when you make it to GZ! He is absolutely precious. It won't be long until he understands that Kati is the perfect playmate :) I'm so glad he's sleeping!! That makes all the difference in the world!!


Unknown said...

Thanks for sending pics. We have been praying for you.

Everything Beautiful Shay said...

Bless you on this very special day!!! God is so good and blessing more each day. Colin will be a different baby by Guangzhou~ enjoy every minute and be sure to go to Tamales to eat (Mexican) and SO good~ we ate there 3 times LOL. Love you!

Unknown said...

My prayers are with you. Be strong as I know you are, your love as a family will get you all thru this time. Love you all.

Unknown said...

One more week till your back.. so excited to meet Colin and see you all!!!!

Stacey said...

Congratulations! So happy you have completed this step! On to Guanzghou!!! Many blessings and safe travels!!!

Anonymous said...

Lori, you're doing a Great job mothering Colin! So proud of little Kati! Everything will calm down when you are home! Can't wait till you are home!
Love, holly and Anna

Aus said...

Good morning - or actually evening your time on Friday the 21st! We're 2X China adoptive folks, and I just caught your link from NHBO - we'll be with you for the last week or so of your journey! Congrats on the new addition and enjoy your time in GZ - for us its one of the happiest places on earth!

Great joy for y'all - hugs and prayers -

aus and co.

Unknown said...

SO happy for you!!! Can you believe that you finally have Colin and he is YOURS??:) Great news!!! I know you're tired but enjoy every minute you can! Love the story of Colin holding on to his toys and Kati trying to play with him. She's going to be a wonderful big sister! Hugs to all and looking forward to your next post.

Charity said...

Oh my word - that director knows better than to do that to Colin!!! So glad he wants you to comfort him. Hang in there guys. Totally understand about not having time or energy to post. You just concentrate on loving those precious kiddos of yours. We'll catch up when you come down for the shower. (still can't believe you'll be here so soon!!!) Know that we are praying for you. Love y'all. Also, can't wait to hear the differences among the provinces. Get some rest.

3 Peanuts said...

Lori...I am so sorry that you have had some struggles and while we all know that is part of this journey, it is so hard when you are in the midst of them. I am praying for you all. I know each day will offer new small blessings and strides.


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